The Case: How do teachers make sense of their experiences with new and emerging technologies such as the iPad to enhance their teaching practice?
· It is hoped that this study will clarify the complexity of teacher experience as they engage with innovation and change.
· It wishes to gain insight to inform future strategies to support teachers
· It may potentially inform future school reform and professional development opportunities for teachers
· It is an inquiry to promote understanding of teacher experience, and thus take the form of a descriptive case study.
· My interest is intrinsic.
· The emphasis will be on my interpretation within an already familiar landscape (elementary school use of technology).
1. My Role
· Participant observer with a position of privilege and familiarity
· I am interested in understanding the ongoing experiences and perceptions of teachers in the iPad project
· Spend time (2 months) in the classroom environment during planning and instruction time in order to establish a narrative relationship and make observations within a natural teaching environment
· My experience is one voice among many
2. The Setting and Actors (Bounded and Natural)
· In one elementary school already selected to meet the criteria of the iPad project
· One or two willing teachers already involved in the iPad project.
· No recruiting - part of an existing study
· Include conversations with other staff that support the teacher (principal, IT)
· Both unique and common (family resemblance)
· Three dimensional inquiry space
3. Artifacts of Interest
· Look at choice of apps
· Look at how the iPad is used in teacher administration such as lesson plans, day plans
· Take note of classroom organization, how is the iPad used in instruction and the documentation process of inquiry
· Look for opportunities to personalize the iPads use
· Keep dual field texts supported with digital pen recordings of observations and conversations (natural language description)
· Include Teacher thoughts and insights from project journals
· Include photos to describe setting and iPad use
4. Method
· Case Study with emergent design
· Naturalistic and Interpretive
· Continuous dialogue, listen and interpret teacher stories of experience
· Enter the scene with familiarity
· An inquiry to promote understanding of ‘case’
· Study the particular and capture complexity in it’s natural setting
5. Assumptions
· Knowledge is gained through social construction (experience happens narratively)
· Learning is contextual and fluid
· Tacit knowledge while difficult to articulate is critical for understanding
· Qualitative research turns the world into a series of representations in order describe and open an understanding
· Interpretation is concerned with re-generation of meaning that comes from new understanding within the already familiar (prior knowledge)
· Technology changes quickly, new and experienced teachers will regularly come into contact with technology that they have no experience with.
· Becoming architects of learning requires teachers to teach differently than they were taught
· We are connected through story, we make sense of experience by telling stories (narrative mode of thinking and knowing)
· People not technology will be the solutions to problems
Neat read Nancy! It looks like it's all coming together. Sounds like you've really focused in on a good issue. How much will you be including the teacher's intent on using the device versus their actual implementation? I know that there's probably lots of people with grandiose plans for the use of their ipad but for one reason or another, don't implement it as much as they'd like. I presume you've looked at the Technology Acceptance Model?
ReplyDeleteThere has been a lot of research done on the barriers for teachers in using technology but very few that describe their experience when they actually give it a real go. The iPad project in Calgary schools has taken the best of the best and given them free iPads to use in the documentation process of inquiry. I want to tell the story of their experience. Intent is part of real life teacher decisions made every day so I expect that will be part of the data. I am looking for rich description full of ambiguity that I will interpret. It will be then up to the reader to call upon their own experience in memory to discover any generalization between experience.